Learn to Be Single Again After a Michigan Divorce

We all live our life somewhat habitually. We get up and do the same things every day and feel comfortable and safe because of it. After a divorce or separation our lives are uprooted and our habits need to be adjusted. You will discover that there are some things that are going to be hard … Continue reading

5 Ways to Prevent Infidelity and Lower Your Chances of Divorce

Trust in a marriage is crucial. When that trust is broken, the rest of the marriage can crumble very quickly. One of the biggest ways to break trust is to have an affair in the marriage. Fortunately, there are some ways that you can prevent infidelity from occurring at all in the marriage. Seeking a … Continue reading

Avoid These Common Spending Mistakes in Your Divorce

In 2012, Dr. Terri Orbuch, a research professor and psychologist at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, conducted a study of divorced couples. In that study, 49% of the 373 divorced couples who participated stated that fighting about money issues including poor spending habits, lying about money and ignoring financial issues ultimately led … Continue reading