Can You Divorce While Still Living Together?

Recession has forced many divorcing parents in Macomb County Michigan to continue living under the same roof, since maintaining two households is beyond their financial reach. Additionally, the uncertainty to the children, who worry about where each parent will live, makes some divorcing partners opt to stick together during the divorce process. Living with a … Continue reading

The Difference Between Men and Women During Divorce

When a couple divorces, both partners go through the same process but not the same coping mechanisms. Men and women are wired differently, and this affects how they deal with stressful and emotional situations such as divorce. Just how different are men and women when it comes to dealing the end of a marriage? Read … Continue reading

5 Survival Strategies for Post Divorce Holidays

Your Michigan divorce was likely a long time coming, but it’s never a simple process to end a long-term committed relationship. Guilt over family matters and outside joint relationships can lead to serious depression and withdrawal around the holidays. But the good news is that with a creative and rational thinking, you can easily survive … Continue reading

Helping Your Children Survive the Holidays After a Divorce

Divorce is hard on the entire family. Children have a particularly hard time coping with divorce – especially during the holidays. Divorce makes every family situation more difficult and taints the things that are supposed to be beautiful. However, once parents are divorced, they still want to make the most of the holidays and celebrate … Continue reading