Why Do So Many Couples Put Off Getting Divorced?

Divorce is difficult and complicated, and it’s common for spouses to be unable to decide whether to stay or go. Even couples in the worst of marriages may hold off on ending the relationship. Why? The answers are so obvious they may surprise you.

The Educated Wife Solution for a Stable Marriage

There was a time when men worked outside the home and earned the money, and women stayed home to take care of the house and kids. Times have certainly changed, and women are out there earning their fair share (and more). In the past, a man who earned less than his wife may have felt … Continue reading

Protect Your Credit When You Divorce

There’s nothing like a fresh beginning. Flattering wolf whistles after losing a good amount of weight or updating your look with a new haircut, that first professional interview after graduating college and, yes, even a new outlook on life after divorce can all be exciting experiences worth savoring. But just how often do you hear … Continue reading

The High Costs of Infidelity

Divorce can be an expensive undertaking regardless of the cause. But extramarital affairs, in particular, can be truly costly. The media is full of horror stories surrounding the emotional outcome of adultery-based relationship destruction… but the financial fallout may blow your mind. The Actual Cost of Cheating Put aside for a moment the emotional cruelty, … Continue reading