Why Are Parents Opting for End-of-School-Year Divorces?

Parents are notorious for putting their children’s needs and desires ahead of their own. Chances are, if you’re a mom or dad you’ve been guilty of doing that more than a time or two. Let’s face it, it’s one of the joys and expectations of parenthood. But there are times when putting a kid’s interests … Continue reading

Causes and Concerns of Retirement-Age Divorce

Today’s kids and teens of broken households are growing up fully functional in a modern dysfunctional world, due to divorce rates. Marital problems are all too common in America. Issues that were once considered to be simply part of growing old together have become last straws in modern culture. That’s not saying there aren’t classic, … Continue reading

Top 4 Truths Divorce Teaches You about Marriage

Those who have gone through divorce know first-hand that, if you want competent legal or financial advice, you should contact a capable Michigan divorce attorney. If it’s marital advice you want, however, consider asking someone who has been divorced. Of course, you don’t want to pick their brains when they’re going through a messy legal … Continue reading

5 Tax Questions to Ask Your Michigan Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a tricky business. It affects emotions, finances, social concerns, property divisions, and custodial concerns. Once those papers are signed, a huge weight is lifted but soon replaced by reality. Part of that new reality involves the dreaded tax season. Perhaps your partner always did the household taxes, or maybe you’ve sent them out … Continue reading

How to Avoid Losing Your Livelihood After a Divorce

The personal nature of divorce can significantly impact one’s job performance and professional life. When these marital issues compound and become especially brutal, they can lead to unemployment and loss of income. It’s important to stay on course and avoid the negative outcomes associated with these five ways divorce can affect your professional life:

Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce: Can You Relate?

Hollywood has capitalized on divorce for years, and why not? It’s an emotionally charged topic that pulls in a specific target audience. But real-life angst is quite different. Your Michigan divorce lawyer knows this is an uneasy decision rife with personal insecurity and flip-flopping emotions. Separation predates divorce for many couples. It acts as a … Continue reading

Oklahoma’s Billion-Dollar Divorce

Marriage can be one of the most anticipated decisions of a lifetime… but it can be among the costliest as well. This is especially the case when newlyweds, due to emotional attachment, bypass the most necessary legal document due: a prenuptial agreement. Weddings and nuptials provide a fanfare of romantic entanglement at the combining of … Continue reading

Getting Back on the Dating Scene of Post-Divorce Dating

Divorce is tough on everyone involved, and the last thing many people want to think about is another romance. So your current relationship failed—that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t date after divorce. In fact, some soon-to-be divorcees in Macomb County, Michigan opt to spread their romantic wings in the earlier stages of divorce—once the end of … Continue reading

Ensure A Successful Post-Divorce Financial Future

People choose to stay in a loveless or unhealthy marriage for a multitude of reasons—one of the main reasons is based on financial needs and comfort. While many marriages do better with joint incomes, some couples find extra financial freedom as single entities. Of course, preparations must be done and changes must be applied to … Continue reading

Are the Holidays Responsible for Your Divorce?

Marriage can be the highlight of a young adult’s life. And why not? It involves the key elements to the perfect life together with the partner of your dreams: acceptance, romance, commitment, and family growth. In the U.S. alone, 6,200 marriages occur daily. The average wedding costs $20,000, leading to $72 billion spent on that … Continue reading