Social Contagion Contributes To Divorce

Many people know at least one couple that simply doesn’t get along. As much as you love them and want to spend time with them, every nerve in your body feels exposed as you prepare for an extended visit. This is because emotions are contagious – and a new study suggests that these social contagions … Continue reading

Avoid Common Dangers Associated With Emotional Divorce Cases

Load Netflix, stream movies, or rent a few DVDs for the weekend, and you’ll see countless examples of American relationship stereotypes. In almost every case that deals with divorce, the woman tends to ride an emotional roller coaster while the man simply packs up and moves on. Granted, these are common tropes, but such things … Continue reading

Get the Divorce You Deserve

Divorce doesn’t just creep up on a couple. Small issues begin as pebbles that easily turn into boulders in a committed relationship. Before you know it, those huge rocks block all of the good you originally saw in your partner. For most people, the concept of divorce is a difficult – but often rewarding – … Continue reading

5 Holiday Tips for Newly Blended Families

Post-divorce holidays can be tough – and they can seem impossible when a new spouse and stepchildren are involved. In some cases, a degree of harmony is achieved prior to the most stressful time of year. But all too often, exes and unknown expectations make it a real challenge to keep the peace. The holidays … Continue reading